Friday, October 26, 2012

Adventures in juicing: beets!

Yesterday morning was an adventure with beets. I did a google search for a starter "recipe" and zeroed in on this: 

 Oops, I forgot the celery. 

I was impressed with the beautiful colors of the pulp, I felt like we truly were drinking the rainbow when I was cleaning up afterward. 

Tastewise, not my favorite combo. Next time, I'll use only 1 beet to minimize that "earthy" taste and probably less fruit. I'd give this recipe a grade of a C, maybe a C-. We can definitely do better. 


  1. What a shame it didn't taste very good, especially since the colors are so great!

  2. I think I have that EXACT same juicer! I looooove it! (And recently posted some green juice recipes too, I'm addicted!)

    It really is all about trial and error when it comes to taste though.
